The Needak Rebounders Composition

Listed below are the components used to build the rebounders

Jump Mat

This is one of the most important components of the Needak rebounder because it is what causes the user to bounce up and down. As a result, the quality of the material used to act as the jump mat has to be the best in terms of safety and durability. The material used to make this piece of the rebounder is called permatron which refers to a fabric designed specifically for rebounders and trampolines.

The permatron does not stretch unnecessarily but is flexible which allows it to offer a stable landing spot but at the same time, cushions the user's impact perfectly.
Permatron I also recognized for its weather resistance quality. It can cope well severe weather cases be it moisture caused due to rain or spilled drinks. The mat can also handle strong sunlight as it has 90% Ultra Violet resistance making it a fabric that can last a very long time without breakages and unnecessary tear.



Needak uses two springs on its rebounders, the soft bounce springs meant for the soft versions of rebounders and the hard bounce springs meant for the tougher rebounders, usually for heavier users. The uniqueness of the springs comes from the material used to craft them, in this case, high carbon steel music wire. This type of wire also referred to as spring steel or piano wire is known to be very strong made to withstand high tension and pressure. The barrel shape of the 4 inch soft springs that clip the center to the outside structure can each absorb enormous pressure. The hard bounce springs slightly vary in shape and absorb a lesser amount of pressure because of the firmer structure are reinforcement. They are meant for athletes who need a more demanding bounce surface or heavier individuals-over 300 pounds.

Rebounder frames

These are round in shape and are the ones that form the external structure of the rebounder. They measure 40 inches in diameter and are constructed from heavy steel that are free of lead. They are designed to evenly distribute the force all over the rebounder as a coping mechanism.


The Needak rebounder comes with both folding and non-folding options. This allows for easy movement and storage. The rubber tips at the tips provide support.


The sturdy hinges allow the rebounder to be easily folded especially in situations where they need to be moved to a different location or stored in a small are space.

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